Tuesday, April 29, 2014

ONHS ART NIGHT-May 8th from 5-7 p.m.

ONHS ART NIGHT-May 8, 2014

The many talents of Oshkosh North students will be featured during the ONHS Art Night held on Thursday May 8th from 5-7 p.m. Community members, parents, family, friends and North high students will have an opportunity to view the variety of ceramics, photography, jewelry, computer art, paintings, drawings and glass art work created by our students over the course of the school year.  The music department and drama classes will provide entertainment throughout the eventing in addition to a horticulture plant sale and refreshments for everyone to enjoy.

Art students will invite you into the art classrooms to create a photogram in the darkroom to take with out or to see a wheel throwing demonstration with clay.  Art club is offering art activities and a ceramic sale to raise funds to support the Milwaukee Ronald McDonald House.

We are very excited about this year's Art Night and hope you are able to attend.  The art work will also be on display during school hours from May 9th-16th located in the hallway from the West entrance to the technology and engineering hallway.  To see more student artwork and find out about art events; please check out our SpARTan Blog: http://northhighspartanart.blogspot.com

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