Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Madison Art Field Trip

On October 23rd 24 Oshkosh North Art students toured the UW Madison Art Department to view student galleries, studios as well as meet faculty.  Students also attended a guided tour at the Chazen Museum of Art where they saw art work made by Jim Dine, Don Reitz, Deborah Butterfield, Beth Cavener Strichter, Chuck Close, Andy Warhol and many more...
Group photo outside of the Chazen Museum of Art
Students touring the printmaking classroom at UW Madison
UW Madison Drawing student work
UW Madison Printmaking student work
UW Madison portrait drawing student work
Docent led tour at the Chazen
Ceramic artist Beth Cavener Stichter

Sculptor: Jim Dine
Salt fired piece by ceramic artist Don Reitz
Artist: Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe 
Glass jellyfish

Artist: Andy Warhol, snowball painting

Artist: Chuck Close
Sculptor: Jim Dine

About artist Richard Notkin

Jim Dine (Skulls)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Do you smell pumpkin in the hallways? Pumpkin Carving in the Art Dept

The Art Department is partnering with Heckrodt Wetland Reserve by assisting with their Creepy Crawlies Event by carving 72 pumpkins for this weekends event.

Check out our ONHS Art Department Facebook page!

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